Pastorate committee and conference members is one of the most important and efficient wing of the Church. From NOTHING to MANY THINGS is all possible only by the Grace of GOD and by the unity of Pastorate committee and conference members. They are very well-organized, well-structured and run under the guidelines and discipline laid down by the Methodist Church in India. Pastorate committee meeting is held every 2nd Sunday of the month where they discuss on core and crucial issues and arrives at a decision which will further benefit the Church in the long run.
I am your Shepherd and I will meet all your needs. Psalm 23:1 (WEB)
As we are entering into the 25th Anniversary of our Church with lots of Grace of God and happiness, but when we look back we see the pain and crucial decisions taken by our Pastorate committee and conference members in all these 25 years, for which today the new generation is reaping good fruits. No words can match the pain taken by our founder members who were earlier the part of the Pastorate committee and conference.
Pastorate committee and conference members takes an active participation and provides their immeasurable guidance in every activities of the Church, it may be programs of Sunday school children, MYF, WSCS. They do visit sick and bereaved family. They stand firmly and makes stand church in unity at every step of the time. Pastorate committee and conference members is the back bone of the Methodist Telugu Church of Ambarnath.